When an user open Data Import \ Export parameters screen, system raises the following error:
"Assembly containing type Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.DMF.ServiceProxy.DmfEntityProxy is not referenced"
"Object CLR object could not be created"
and this issue appeared only when database server is not the same as AOS server.
Step to Resolve
1. Make sure Microsoft Dynamics AX Data Import/Export Framework Service and AOS server (Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server 6XXXX-MicrosoftDynamicsAX) has the same service account.
2. Go to Local users and group and Add the same service account to Microsoft Dynamics AX Data Import Export Framework Service Users group. This group folder exist only on system where you have installed "Microsoft Dynamics AX Data Import/Export Framework Service " and not on AOS
3. Restart the sytem which has Microsoft Dynamics AX Data Import/Export Framework Service .
4. Post any issue exist.